Feb 01 , 2018
Amazon Lists 1 Multi-Headed Reciprocating Bass Brushing Electric Toothbrush and 400 Sonic Single Headed Toothbrushes, really ??
I was on Amazon the other day and decided to search the term “electric toothbrush”. Twenty pages later with 20 products on each page totaling 400 product listings, there was only 1 multi-headed reciprocating electric toothbrush that simulates the BASS brushing technique, 30 SECOND SMILE. Crazy right !! With over 15 patents, 4 pending and, protection for 10 -20 years more manufacturing exclusivity, no one else can duplicate what we have done for many years. We are the ONLY reciprocating electric toothbrush with the power needed to keep your oral health optimized against many major diseases while, removing stains for whiter teeth and massaging gums for fresher breath. What have you got to lose but your teeth.